Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Design of Learning

Design is the practice of drafting media communication technology and content to help make the transfer can occur knowledge effectively between teachers and students. This process includes determining the status of the students' understanding, formulation of goals of learning, and design a "treatment"-based media to help prevent the transition. Ideally this process is based on information from the theoretical study that tested the pedagogical and can occur only on the students, guided by teachers, or a background in community-based. Results from this study can be observed directly and can be scientifically measured or completely hidden and only true form of assumptions.

As a discipline, the design of the historical and traditional roots in cognitive psychology and behavior. However, this term is often associated with a different term in another field, for example, with the term graphic design. Although graphic design (from the cognitive perspective) could play an important role in the design of learning, but they are separate concepts.

Many of the basic areas of learning design placed at the World War II, when the U.S. military felt the need to quickly train large numbers of people to perform complex technical tasks in the military field. Based on the research and theories of BF Skinner on operant conditioning, training programs focused on behavior that appears. The tasks were divided into parts, and every part of the task to be treated as a separate learning goal. The training is designed to provide payment for the correct display and perform the remedial Tamilan wrong. Assumed that all students will be able to gain control of the ability when given the opportunity to do enough repetition and feedback inadequate. After the war over, the success of the training model when the war started again in business and industry training, in a small number of classrooms in primary and secondary. In the year 1955, Benjamin S. Bloom publish Taksonomi which he used as the three-goal area to study: cognitive (what we know or think), Afektif (which we feel, or the attitude that we have), and Psikomotor (what we do). Taksonomi this still affect the design learning.
In both the mid-20th century, learning theories began to be affected by the development of computer digital.
In years 1970s, many began to adopt the theory of "information processing" in the design of learning. David Merrill for instance developed Component Display Theory (CDT). Theory is to concentrate on learning how to present materials (presentation techniques) in the 1980s until 1990an, cognitive load theory began to find empirical support for a variety of presentation techniques

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