The development of cognitive theory, developed by Jean Piaget, a psychologist Swiss living years 1896 - 1980. The theory provides many key concepts in the field of psychology and the effect on the development of the concept of intellect, which for Piaget, the ability to more accurately represent the world and perform operations in the logical representation based on the concept of reality. This theory and discuss the emergence of obtaining schemata-schemes of how someone mempersepsi environment-in the development stages, when someone get a new way in representing information on mental illness.
Theory is classified into konstruktivisme, which means that, unlike the theory nativisme (describing the eruption as the development of cognitive knowledge and skills the default), this theory holds that we build our cognitive ability through the action is one motivation for itself against the environment. To develop this theory, Piaget obtain Erasmus Prize. Piaget share scheme used children to understand the world through four main periods that correlate with the increasingly sophisticated and growing over the age of:
Sensorimotor period (age 0-2 years)
Praoperasional period (age 2-7 years)
Concrete operational period (age 7-11 years)
Formal operational period (age 11 years to adult
1. Sensoric motor
According to Piaget, infants born with a number of reflex default as well encouraged to explore the world. The scheme was initially formed through differentiation reflex is the default. Sensorimotor period is the period of the first four periods. Piaget argued that this stage marks the development of spatial ability and understanding necessary in six sub-phases:
Sub-stage scheme reflex, appearing at birth until the age of six weeks, and especially associated with the reflex.
Sub-phase reaction sirkular primary phase, from age six weeks to four months and associated especially with the emergence of customs.
Sub-stage phase sirkular secondary reaction, appear between the ages of four to nine months and mainly related to the coordination between vision and pemaknaan.
Sub-phase coordination reaction sirkular secondary, appearing from the age of nine to twelve months, while growing the ability to see objects as something permanent, even if it seems to be different when viewed from different angles (permanensi item).
Sub-phase reaction sirkular tertiary phase, appears in the age of twelve to eighteen months, and especially associated with the invention of new ways to reach the goal.
Early stages of sub-symbolic representation, mainly associated with the early stages of creativity.
2. Pra operational
This stage is the second phase of the four phases. With the sequence of games, Piaget can show that after the end of the age of two years of the qualitative type of the new functions of psychological appear. Thought (Pre) in the theory of Piaget Operating procedures are taking action against the mental objects. Characteristic of this stage is a rare thinking operations and the logic is not adequate. In this stage, children learn to use objects and represents the image and words. Thoughts are self-centered: the difficulty for the view from the perspective of others. Children can classify objects using one characteristic, such as collecting all the red objects, in spite of different shapes, or collect all objects rounded even though the color is different.
According to Piaget, the stages following the pre-operational stages of sensorimotor and appear between the ages of two to six years. In this stage, children develop skills, learn the language. They began to represent things with words and images. However, they still use the intuitive reasoning is not logical. At the beginning of this stage, they tend to be egocentric, that is, they can not understand its place in the world and how they relate to one another. They had difficulty in understanding how feelings of people in the surrounding areas. But over pendewasaan, the ability to understand the perspective of other people the better. Children have a very imaginative mind in this time and considers every object that does not have any living person.
Concrete operational stages
This stage is phase three of the four phases. Appear between the ages of six to twelve years old and have a characteristic form of the use of logic is adequate. Processes important during this phase are:
Pengurutan-mengurutan ability to object to the size, shape, or other characteristics. For example, if the objects are given different sizes, they can be sorted them from most of the objects to the most minor.
Classification-the ability to name and identify a series of objects according to appearance, size, or other characteristics, including the idea that a series of objects can include other objects in the series to it. Children no longer have a limited form of the logic animism (belief that all things living and high)
Decentering children begin to consider some aspects of a problem to solve. For example children will no longer be considered wide but short cup less than the contents of a small cup.
Reversibility-children begin to understand that the number or object can be changed, and then back to the beginning. For that, children can quickly determine that 4 +4 is the same as the 8, 8-4 will be the same with 4, the number earlier.
Conservation-understanding that the quantity, length, or the number of objects is not related to the setting or the view of the object or objects are. For example, when children are given a cup and its contents seukuran same lot, they will know when to water is poured another glass of different size, the water in the glass that will remain the same with many other contents cup.
Omission is egocentricity-the ability to see things from the perspective of others (even when people are thinking the wrong way). For example, show that the comic store Siti dolls in the box, and leave the room, then move the doll sonny in the drawer, after the new Siti back to the room. Children in the concrete operations stage akan akan Siti said that the doll was still in the box even though the child knows that the puppet was moved to the drawer by sonny.
3. Formal operational
Formal operational stage is the last period in the development of cognitive theory of Piaget. This stage, children began to experience eleven years in age (at pubertas) and continues until adulthood. Characteristics of this stage is obtaining the ability to think in abstract, menalar the logical, and interesting conclusions from the information available. In this stage, one can understand things like love, logical proofs, and values. He does not see things only in black and white, but there are "gray gradation in between. View from the biological, appear at this stage pubertas (when major changes occur various other), marks the entrance to the world of adult physiological, cognitive, moral reasoning, psikoseksual development, and social development. Some people do not achieve full development until this stage, so he does not have any skills of thinking as an adult and still use the reasoning from the concrete operational stage.
4. Information about the general stages
This fourth stage has characteristics as follows:
Despite stages that can be achieved in the age varies but is always the same order. There is no stage have the diloncati and does not have the reverse order.
Universal (not related to culture)
Can digeneralisasi: representation and the logic of operation is in itself a valid also for all the concepts and content knowledge
Stages in the form of a logically organized in
Hierarchical sequence of stages (each stage includes the elements of previous stages, but more integrated and terdiferensiasi)
Stages represent qualitative differences in the model of thinking, not only quantitative differences
Process development
An individual in her life always interact with the environment. Interact with, and someone will get the scheme. Schemes form a category of knowledge to help interpret and understand in the world. The scheme also describes the action both mentally and physically involved in understanding or know something. So in view of Piaget, the scheme covers both categories of knowledge and the process of acquiring knowledge. Along with the experience exploring the environment, the new information didapatnya used to modify, add, or replace the previous scheme there. For example, a child may have a similar scheme on the animal, for example, with the birds. If early childhood experiences related to the bird, the child thought that the possibility of all birds is the small, yellow, and chirp. One time, a child may see an ostrich. Children will need to modify the scheme which he had before about the kinds of birds to enter this new bird.
Asimilasi is the process of adding new information into existing schemes. This process is subjective, because someone will likely modify the experience of obtaining information or to enter into the scheme which already exists. In the example above, see the bird and gave him the label "bird" are examples of animals that to asimilation birds in the scheme of the child.
Accommodation is another form of adaptation that involves the conversion or replacement of the scheme as a result of new information that does not comply with the existing scheme. In this process, can also occur eruption of a new scheme at all. In the example above, see the ostrich and the skemanya about birds before gave him the label "bird" is an example of the animal is a bird in the scheme of the child.
Through the second process, the system kognisi someone changed and developed so that it can increase from one stage to the stage on top of it. The process of adjustment was an individual because he wanted to reach equilibrium conditions, namely a balance between the structure kognisinya with experience in the environment. Someone will always strive to be balanced situation is always achieved by using the second process above.
Thus, kognisi someone is not developing as receive knowledge from outside the passive but the active is construction knowledge.
7. Isu in the development of primary kognitifIsu in cognitive development similar to the issue of psychological development in general.
Stages of development
Differences in qualitative and quantitative
There is controversy on the distribution of phases based on differences in the development of quality or quantity kognisi.
Continuity and diskontinuitas
Controversy discuss whether the division of this stage is the process of development of a sustainable process or lost on each tahapannya.
Homogenitas function of cognition
There are differences in the ability cognition function of each individual
Natur and nurtur
Controversy natur and nurtur derived from the difference between philosophy nativisme philosophy and empiricism. Nativisme believe that the ability of the brain humans since birth have been prepared for the cognitive tasks. Empiricism kognisi believe that ability is the result of experience.
Stability and kelenturan's intellect
The intellect is relatively fixed a child is stable on a degree of ingenuity, but there are differences in the ability of a child's intellect at the age of 3 years compared with 15 years of age.
8. The corner of another perspective
At this time there are several different approaches to explain cognitive development.
Theory of cognitive neurosains. The progress of science and technology allows neurosains associate activity between brain and behavior. A biological basis of this approach to explain cognitive development. This approach has the goal to be able to mengantarai questions about human beings that is
Whether the relationship between mind and body, especially the brain between physical and mental process
What filogeni or ontogeni which is the beginning of the beginning of the regular structure of biological
Construction 9.Teori thought-social
Besides biology, the context of the social is also one of the perspective of cognitive development. This perspective states that the social environment and culture will provide the biggest influence on the formation of thought and kognisi children. This theory has direct implications on the education world. Vygotsky theory states that children learn better in active than in passive. Figure-tokohnya among Lev Vygotsky, Albert Bandura, Michael Tomasello
Theory Theory of Mind (TOM)
Cognitive development of this theory believe that children have a theory and scheme of the world that becomes the basis kognisinya. Figure of them is this Tom Andrew N. Meltzoff.
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